How to Recover Outlook Passwords with Outlook Password Recovery Tool?


Microsoft Outlook is the most famous email service provider and has millions of users worldwide. People use it to send business emails and receive the same to share essential data and messages. Outlook works fine and keeps the workflow smooth, but in some cases, you may forget the login password of your Outlook account. In that case, recovering your password can be challenging, and you can struggle a lot. Therefore, if you want to save yourself from this scenario, stay tuned to this article. Here you will learn some critical methods for recovering outlook passwords. 

How to recover Microsoft Outlook password?

If you cannot sign in, do not worries, as you can recover your password manually. Look below to see the steps to recover outlook passwords with the outlook recovery tool. 

How to Reset Your Outlook Password manually? 

l  To recover your password for Outlook, you can reset your password because Outlook has this feature. And you can use it when you forget the password. 

l  Go to the login section and then click on reset your password.

l  When you go there, enter the email address and choose why you want to reset your password.

l  The Outlook will ask you to enter the recovery email address, so enter and click on next.

l  Once you click on the Next button after entering the correct Captcha characters, you will get an OTP on the recovery email address. You can get OTP on your registered mobile number by clicking on send OTP on mobile number. 

Recover password with Microsoft password recovery tool 

l  You can recover your outlook password with the Microsoft password recovery tool.

l    For this, you need to go on and click on can’t sign in.

l  When you click on this link, you will need to select why you want to recover the password.

l  You need to choose, I forget the password, and now it will take your email and require you to verify.

l  To verify and add some details if needed, and at last, it will require entering an OTP.

l  When you enter that, you can generate a new password and try to log in. If you get logged in successfully, that means you have recovered your account.

If you are facing any issue while following the given idea to solve the problem in Outlook email then contact Outlook password recovery number or Outlook Help Phone Number and get immediate help from well-trend executive.


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